October 26

How To Comment !

Hey readers, today I’m going to be teaching you how to comment on my blog by making a step by step procedure, but before we get into that, I need you to know something about commenting. Something to know about commenting is that you should comment on something you like, so for intense if you like volleyball and another blog like volleyball talk to them about it. Another thing I wanted you to know is Why is commenting so important? It’s important because it helps you get more people to visit your blog and comment on it.

So now you know some information about commenting. It’s finally time to show you a step by step procedure. I want to remind you that I’m going to be putting in links, so if you see any in the step by step procedure, please click it. Ok? Thank you. On to step 1…

Ok, step 1. Is to go on to my site. Step 2. click a post you like. Step 3. scroll down to the bottom into you see the comment part. If you don’t know what I mean this is what it should look like.

Step 4. Put your comment in the comment box and post the comment. Then you’re done.  YAYYYYY!

So now you know how to comment on my blog. Leave a link in the comment to your blog so I can comment on your blog.  Into the next time.